Sunday, October 29

ladysmith black mambazo

yes. i AM going to see Ladysmith Black Mambazo in concert TONIGHT!! not sure i'll be able to sleep. might spontaneously combust when they take the stage. will keep you posted (let you know if Sarah McLachlan decides to join them for their duet of "Homeless")........i'm SO EXCITED!!!!

Friday, October 27

boston and scorsese...

make a good pair.

the departed.
fantastic flick.
i was skeptical.
it was worthy of the hype.

best moment?
seeing marky mark curse out his big bro donnie d.

Thursday, October 19

i want to be awake when truth hits

"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth.
Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business,
as if nothing had happened." - W. Churchill

(came to me via Sarah o' Sarahnomics)

Tuesday, October 17

marie antoinette

i will love this film.

meet her on friday!

red is genius. bono is genius.

yes, the majority of us are consumer sluts.
so this year, bono has made it super easy to give a little back
when we buy our gifts for the holidays.

products designed to help eliminate AIDS in Africa:
(mac, motorola, gap, converse, armani).

isn't red sexy?

Saturday, October 14


a bit ... but it's INSANE!!!
check this out: girlpower - retouch

airbrushing on crack

why REAL women will never measure up. see portfolio > before/after.
(my armpits will NEVER look that good!)

why don't i feel gorgeous?

dove offers women an important perspective.

Thursday, October 12

treadmill dance

i have erin to thank for passing on this bit of genius. thanks erin!

Friday, October 6

Daniel Defoe

"to sink under the weight [is] but to increase the weight"

Thursday, October 5


is Buddha Board the coolest thing ever invented?
pretty close.

The Buddha Board philosophy is as follows:

"Buddha Board is based on the Zen concept of living in the moment. You simply paint on the surface with water and your creation will come to life in bold design. Then, as the water slowly evaporates, your art will magically disappear leaving you with a clean slate and a clear mind - ready to create a whole new masterpiece."

It is meditative, soothing, completely forgiving ...and it's fun too!

Smooches to S&A for introducing this joy to my life!

kaki king

thanks to Miss Angela, i was in the audience when this musical tour de force passed through Vancouver! Kaki King is touring with her new album ...Until We Felt Red, bewitching audiences with her ingenious guitar and enchanting them with her angelic voice. She'll be hitting Toronto and Montreal on October 19th and 20th! See her website for details.

A. blogging slacker?

B. too busy to blog because i had the best birthday EVER, and this super amazing fella asked me to marry him!?!??!!!

here's a hint...