Monday, September 11

Dear "lycra clad street warrior",

You may be doing yourself a disservice by conscientiously capping your noodle with streamlined styrofoam.

"...This study suggests wearing a helmet might make a collision more likely in the first place..." Dr. Ian Walker, a traffic psychologist from Bath University, conducted a study that found motorists are twice as likely to drive closer to a cyclist (an average of 8.5 cm away) when they are wearing a helmet.

Walker suggests that
"most adult cyclists know what it is like to drive a car, but relatively few motorists ride bicycles in traffic, and so don't know the issues cyclists face".

Though no one is recommending I stop protecting my skull when I take to the street, I will definitely reconsider the belief that my fancy red helmet provides me with the powers of invincibility.

merci beaucoup to my favourite procrastinator for finding this BBC NEWS article. *smooch*

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