Wednesday, October 31

Happy Halloween

from left to right: Sarah's Pumpkin Pi, Christopher's Jason, Caitlin's Jack

Providing Sustenance with Words

Through internet advertising Free Rice is accomplishing two things:

1. Providing English vocabulary to everyone for free.
2. Helping end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

So, have a go and test/strengthen your vocabulary (as a lover of words, I find this game incredibly addictive). They give you a measurement of your vocabulary level - there are 50 levels but it is rare to get above 48 - up for the challenge?! Does cockloft mean "womb", "garret", "need", or "relief"?

For every correct answer, the sponsors donate 10 grains of rice. They even provide a lovely graphic so you can watch as your bowl fills up with rice - how satisfying. Fill a bowl everyday and you will undoubtedly speak with flare!

"The rice is distributed by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). The World Food Program is the world’s largest food aid agency, working with over 1,000 other organizations in over 75 countries. In addition to providing food, the World Food Program helps hungry people to become self-reliant so that they escape hunger for good. Wherever possible, the World Food Program buys food locally to support local farmers and the local economy."

Saturday, October 27

Snack Sack Snack Sack Snack Sack

Yes. I do love to say "Snack Sack", but I also love that this product offers an alternative way of carrying around my emergency almonds/chocolates/raisins/etc!

Using Ziploc bags for snacks is unappealing because their lifespan is so short and because there are so many health questions surrounding soft plastics. No, I am not a very small child who sucks on sandwich bags for more than 3 hours a day (re: Health Canada Advisory), and no I'm not boiling Denvers in my freezer bags (re: Ziploc omelets may be toxic). Still, it doesn't seem that plastics and food play well together, so I'll try to minimize their interaction I think.

What I have been using are those tupperware-like storage containers. They can be reused and they are made of a more rigid plastic, which makes the leaching of harmful chemicals less likely. They make a good middle-of-the-road system because they last longer than Ziplocs and they're as easy to get access to.

Then I found Snack Sack - made from cloth and stainless steel. The materials are safe for my food and the steel is up for much more wear and tear than the old Tupperware would have been. Obviously this does not compete with the convenience of plastics (readily available in all grocery stores), nor does it compete in the category of "wet food" storage, but as a container for trail mix when I hike, or goldfish crackers once my little one arrives, it definitely is the healthier choice. Now I'd love to see a more adult version of the Snack Sack (a sexier fabric maybe) and I'd love to see different sizes as well (small, medium, and large).

Friday, October 26

I Heart Andy Samberg

In the line of digital shorts from SNL ("The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Dick in a Box"), "I Ran" has reached a new level of quality. Explosively amusing lyrics ("I remember when it started/saw you on the news/you were hatin gays/I was eatin food") AND heavenly vocals from Adam Levine - makes my day. Hope it makes yours.

Can't find ANY links - please comment if you know where one is!!

Thursday, October 25

Shrimp and Avocado Tortillas

(Modified from The Joy of Cooking)

This is a delicious and easy weeknight dinner idea. It tastes fresh and light and it's full of nutrients.

Whisk together in a large bowl:
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsps lime juice
2 tbsps minced cilantro
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
salt to taste

Shrimp (I used half a bag of frozen cooked shrimp)
1 cup black beans
1 cup grated Monterey Jack
1 ripe avocado, coarsely chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
salt to taste

Spoon the mixture onto small flour tortillas (place them between 2 damp cloths and warm them in the microwave for 30s so they don't tear) and top with shredded lettuce. Roll into wraps and serve.

Thursday, October 18

Monday, October 15

Pumpkin Sage Cream Sauce

Try this super easy and delicious cream sauce on cheese tortellini with some lightly sauteed zucchini and yellow pepper - you'll thank me.

1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup pumpkin purée
1/4 cup fresh-grated Parmesan
16 (about 1 tablespoon) fresh sage leaves,
sliced into thin strips
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp fresh-ground pepper
1 tbsp unsalted butter

Combine the cream, pumpkin purée, Parmesan, sage, salt, and pepper in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Simmer the mixture until slightly thickened -- 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Toss with cooked pasta and serve immediately.

Sunday, October 7

Pumpkin pie, tryptophan and gratitude.

I'll drink to that. Happy turkey day to all.

Saturday, October 6

Ritual and Tea

I want to believe that I'm a semi-environmentally responsible individual. I'm aware of my impact on the earth and its inhabitants, and I do my darndest to avoid negative contributions. You know. Walk instead of drive, take cloth bags to the grocery store, buy local food, use vinegar instead of Windex ... all that jazz. There are of course things that I do not sacrifice. Hiking fills my entire being with joy, but I live in the city so I drive to the trails. Avocados melt in my mouth, but they don't grow in this country so I buy the ones trucked up from Mexico. Travel to other lands enriches my existence, but flying leaves a ridiculously large footprint so I buy offsets and make sure to relish every moment.

I am however willing to change.

Natural Resources Canada indicates that the electric kettle is the most efficient water heater; the heating element is in direct contact with the substance it's heating, and once the water has reached its boiling point, the kettle will stop expending energy. Logical, but for years I have resisted conversion from my little Ikea cooktop kettle. Why? Stubborn, yes, but I'm also obsessed with the ritual surrounding tea. The heat of the electric range is my modern day fire. I feel connected to the elements as I wait for the delicious whistle of the kettle as it reaches climax.

That was before I met Bernard (Bernie for short).

Bernard is a sexy 1.8L electric kettle from Breville. He wears a coat of brushed stainless steel. He sits on a simple stand that connects to the wall with a super clever plug ("designed with a built-in finger hole for safe and effortless removal from the outlet"). His lid opens with grace and his water level indicator glows a sexy neon blue. When Bernard has finished for the night (2-3 minutes compared with the 10-15 of the cooktop), his little bell utters a refined ding and he shuts himself down. Truly, my tea has never tasted so good and I don't suffer at all from the seriously improved efficiency. Yes Caitlin, welcome to the 21st century.