Thursday, July 22

mama needs a vacation...

...and she is so unlikely to get one.

no this is not a pity party. this is reality talking. the reality is that times are tough, money is tight, thrift is trendy and (getting to the heart of the matter) baby wants the boob. i dream of solo camping trips by a lake, single hammocks on tropical beaches and swanky hotel rooms all to myself; emphasis on the "dream". in reality, what can i do for myself to simulate the relaxation this would bring?

enter children's fantasy literature. it's easy. it's fun. it's immersive. head into the world of Harry Potter, Narnia, the Old Ones, or (yes I love myself a little Edward and Bella) Twilight. i recently spent a week devouring Percy Jackson & The Olympians. every free moment was for reading and it literally (har har) felt like i'd taken a holiday when the week was over.

other ways i get that vacation feelin:
-take a cold bubbly beverage, chilled glass of wine, or iced coffee to the bathroom and have a hot shower or soak in the tub. be sure to use delicious smelling soaps or oils.
-once the kids (and the hubby) have been fed and watered, go back to bed and snuggle with the duvet while i catch up on my reader or maybe even let myself fall back to sleep.
-look at photos of past vacations and tell maggie stories about them.

how do you get your relaxing on when time and money are limited?

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