Friday, July 30

incremental improvements

I sometimes (ok often) shoot like Austin Powers: clicking madly and erratically while I chat with my subjects. The beautiful photograph below is a direct result. My nephew pulls out the goofiest "camera face" whenever he's conscious of a camera, but he has a wicked knock-your-socks-off smile when he's genuinely happy.

This process does elicit wonderful expressions, but when I'm not looking, I'm not framing. So I shoot and shoot - compensating for the inevitable inaccuracy with an extra frame or five (cringe). This leads to much time wasted cropping. Since I'm not looking for a gig as a paparazzo, I assume I should correct this method of capture. I think I will try a tripod, for group portraits especially. And I will enlist bystanders to relax my subjects so I can focus on the frame.

Shooting in the dark,

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