Thursday, March 27

I See Differently in These Shoes

Though I don't believe the Bible is anymore than a collection of well-written fables, I will agree that important lessons can be found in many works of literature. And so I refer to "Judge not...".

I admit that I did my share of judging in pre-Maggie days. I had a lot of ideas about how to and how not to raise children "correctly." I read a lot of books by so-called experts and stocked up on the latest theories of successful child-rearing. What I should have been doing is mastering the art of compromise.

Truth is, you do what you have to do. Truth is (as the doctor said) "formula isn't poison", and sure "breast is best", but if the only way that little one is going to get the sustenance she needs is through the silicone nipple of a bottle - bottle it is!

So, I will keep my judgments to myself, because the only expert on your baby is you.

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