Thursday, July 24

Dreaming Small

As housing prices continue to be unreasonable, I consider the possibility of permanently renting a home for our little family. We're perfectly happy in our suite and can go on living here for quite some time - with continued improvements in organization that is. We've got affordable rent, plenty of room, a private entry and location, location, location. If we bought, we'd have to downgrade quality of living space and location, or else, eat only potatoes for the remainder of our days. So, we have to be a little creative with the square footage - I enjoy that type of problem solving. Renting a condo forces us to curb the clutter and be quite conscious of our consumerism (unintended alliteration, honest). Yes we have to accept inefficient appliances, stained old carpeting and that sense of transience that comes with renting... but is owning a house worth triple the monthly cost of renting an apartment? What could we have instead?

We have been discussing different ways to invest money other than buying a home. One idea we had was to buy some real estate up along the coast for a vacation rental property. Then we could build a small, well designed, modern little beach hut. - Jordan Ferney

After reading that post on Oh Happy Day, I have been obsessing a little. I would love a tiny shack along the coast somewhere. I think I would much rather that than be shackled to the upkeep of a mediocre house in the city. The idea is so romantic; could it also be so in reality?

But maybe I am not so immune from the desire to own a house as I think I am. Nesting is an innate ambition for a mother. Can I be happy in a home that I'm borrowing from someone else? Birds don't own trees, but they make fine homes for their babies. (Lame analogy? Thought so but I couldn't stop myself : ) Is there something in owning, some feeling of permanence that I would forever lack if we never did buy?


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