Thursday, July 3

My Canadian Idols

Maggie was a crankypants today, so I desperately needed moving pictures to chill out tonight. Thank you CTV for hosting your shows online! Corner Gas, Grey's Anatomy, The Daily Show...wicked! I just caught up on the Canadian Idol contestants for this season and "had" to make some snap judgments about their worth (input as relevant as the hockey fan who boos the guy that made it to the NHL!).

7. Katelyn Dawn - grow some girl balls and she could win this thing!
6. Martin Kerr - unoriginal, but the guy rocked a Peter Gabriel tune.
5. Mookie Morris - kooky and talented as hell.
4. Mitch MacDonald - he belongs on stage but he's a bit cutesy.
3. Sebastian Pigott - gravelly goodness. insanely charming.
2. Theo Tams - he's got a delicious sincerity in his voice.
1. Omar Lunan - stole my breath.

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