Thursday, May 21

got, got, got, got no time!

(when I see the same word written repeatedly as above, it really makes me question the word itself...."got? does that sound right? such a hard g sound......awwwwwt...really?.........")

As someone who adores the written word and takes great amounts of pleasure in writing, I struggle with my lack of commitment to this blog. I do a lot of what I'll call cognitive blogging. All through the day I'm blogging in my head. Blogging my bagel with pea shoots and cream cheese. Blogging my response to the BC Leader's debate. Blogging the dilemna of how to deal with my toddler's tantrums. I have an impressive collection of 1-5 word reminders saved as drafts: "laptop luxury", "Grey Gardens Running with Scissors", "mistakes Grade 2 reindeer" and "think about what you've done" to name a few. I do intend to write those blog entries one day....supposedly. So why aren't I producing?

I have to be honest. It isn't really that I've "got no time". I waste a lot of the time that I have. Look me up on Twitter and you will see that I watch TV from 8-10pm almost every night (120 minutes = numerous blog posts). Yes I love my moving pictures, but more than that, I revel in end-of-day inertia! I love to shut down and even feel entitled to it; I go hard from 7:30am-7:30pm. After a 12 hour day caring for an emotionally and physically draining tot, it's time to break out the pajamas.

That's all fine and good, but I allow TV to suck the life out of my evening! Before I know it, it's midnight. My chores are done, I've caught up on two missed episodes of Brothers and Sisters and read through my neglected Google Reader (only 88 unread posts left!) My drafts remain drafts, I still have a bazillion things to say, but I'm off to bed. Well, maybe tomorrow...

Enough is enough. I'm making a commitment to myself to take back the night (in a far less meaningful sense than that phrase is usually used). I don't know what that looks like yet, but I'm guessing there will be some re-arranging of schedules and furniture involved. Let's get the show on the road!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hear you! I'm the same way, right now it's not the TV that is sucking my evenings, it's books (mindless reads!) I applaud (and support) you!