Sunday, May 10

My Mother

After being a mom for only one year, I realize how inadequate my gratitude has been.

And still, I have only a small idea of what she has done for my siblings and I.
In one year, I've gone through breastfeeding, sleep training, diaper changing, solid food introducing and babyproofing.

In thirty years, my mom has dealt with:
pregnancy and labour x3,
potty training x3,

chicken pox x3,
78 birthdays,
29 Christmases,

39 First Days of School,
an unknown number of
piano lessons, choir practice, team sports,
tournaments, camps, and sleepovers,
teaching children about death x3,
having "the" talk x3,

rebellion and puberty x3,
underage drinking, parties, socials,
driving lessons and car accidents x3,
graduations from high school x3,
leaving the nest x3,
apartment hunting and moving x?,
moves to Vancouver, Prince George, Montreal,
post-secondary graduations x3,

applying, hiring, firing, quitting,

scrapes, burns, cuts,
hospitalizations, blood clots,
a wedding,
and the birth of a grandchild.

For every Mother's Day I didn't know,
thank you Mom.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a great gift, the blog note. The even better gift is the wonderful family I get to visit, talk to, Skype with and love to bits. Thank you so much! Love you, Mom