Thursday, June 4

Update: Is it a sham or a wow?

As I recently mentioned, I bought myself a ShamWow. At the insisting of two very savvy people (you know who you are), I spent $22 on 3 pieces of hideously coloured rayon. So, is it everything I dreamed it could be?

Nope, not so great. The two things I was excited about did not come true. 1. The ShamWow leaked liquid all the way to the sink, though they claimed it wouldn't. 2. The ShamWow stunk just like a regular cloth does after a few uses, though they claimed it wouldn't. However I won't give up on the ShamWows I own because, as the woman says, they get better with age.

I wouldn't recommend buying it and neither would Consumer Reports. It seems that most of the wows are from people who didn't realize they could use a single cloth to do the job of 20 paper towels. Bottom line is tea towels and dish cloths work just as well if not better.

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