Sunday, June 21

Happy Father's Day

i love being the mom to your dad.

happy day babe!

Sunday, June 7


I am stoked for this soon-to-be series! It's got one of my favourite actresses: Jane Lynch. It's got one of my favourite songs: Don't Stop Believin. What DOESN'T it have??

Thursday, June 4

Hiking with Kids

I've noticed many reviews claiming the Ergo carrier is best for hiking. From the perspective of a mama with a 30lb 17 month old, I disagree. As mentioned in a previous post, Maggie and Daddy were both uncomfortable when we used the Ergo for hiking. The Ergo holds baby/toddler directly against your body so parent and kid get sickeningly sweaty, plus baby can't see anything but Daddy's back. The Ergo is my favourite carrier for babies, but toddlers and up demand the Deuter Kid Comfort III Child Carrier Backpack.

If you're going to hike often, the Deuter is worth every penny. It's ridiculously easy to use, the sunshade is slick, it's comfortable for both carrier and rider, and there's plenty of storage for diapers, sunscreen, snacks, water, etc. Love it!

The cons? When Maggie falls asleep, her head wobbles around awkwardly. My solution is to avoid hiking during naptime and that's fine by me. Also, if we still lived in a small apartment, we probably wouldn't have room to store it...though I'd likely try to make room because this carrier is so rad!

Update: Is it a sham or a wow?

As I recently mentioned, I bought myself a ShamWow. At the insisting of two very savvy people (you know who you are), I spent $22 on 3 pieces of hideously coloured rayon. So, is it everything I dreamed it could be?

Nope, not so great. The two things I was excited about did not come true. 1. The ShamWow leaked liquid all the way to the sink, though they claimed it wouldn't. 2. The ShamWow stunk just like a regular cloth does after a few uses, though they claimed it wouldn't. However I won't give up on the ShamWows I own because, as the woman says, they get better with age.

I wouldn't recommend buying it and neither would Consumer Reports. It seems that most of the wows are from people who didn't realize they could use a single cloth to do the job of 20 paper towels. Bottom line is tea towels and dish cloths work just as well if not better.

Wednesday, June 3

Heidi Swanson, how I love thee.

For the last week or more, it has been hot in Vancouver. Summer is here and I am still planning meals as if turning on the stove and the oven is acceptable. Tis the season of salads, sandwiches, barbecues, fresh fruit and veg and it's time I get on board!

So what do I do when I completely run out of inspiration? I turn to 101 Cookbooks, to my lady and saviour Heidi Swanson. Heidi is the wind beneath my wings. I love love love everything she touches. I cannot gush enough.

Heidi's recipes are simple, easy, fresh and beautifully photographed. Any night of the week, I can look in my fridge and cupboard, pick two possible ingredients and find a recipe on 101 Cookbooks (note: my spices are well-stocked and I have an herb garden - that makes all the difference). Tonight I've got asparagus, I've got tofu and I want to use coconut milk, so we're going to eat a modified version of Cashew Curry. I'm sure it will be delicious!

Here are a few of my most recent favourites from 101 Cookbooks:
Almost Cheeseless Pasta Casserole
Amazing Black Bean Brownies
Asparagus Stir-Fry

First Harvest

The first bowl of lettuce to be picked from our garden! This variety is perfect for hamburger garnishing and sandwich making, but a bit too wimpy for salads and wraps.

GQ Your Man

The sexiest men are those who appear arrogant but act otherwise.

Prompted by yesterday's post about sexy men (and my hubby's subsequent comments), I signed up for GQ Rules: How to Become a Well-Dressed Rebel in 30 Days. The first daily video is Wear a Suit - Don't Look Like One. Before today, I assumed that look was achieved by donning a suit then consuming copious amounts of alcohol. There is another way.

Time to play dress-up!

Tuesday, June 2

Hot Sex

It's hot out today. Sexy hot. And when the temperature rises, we all spend more time with fewer clothes on. Sexy. Ack! Enough attempting to be clever. I'm hot and I just decided to post some photos of gorgeous well-dressed men. The end. (I apologize for my lack of creativity - celebrities are the obvious choice but I just don't have the time to search Flickr for beautiful pictures of boys)