Friday, June 13

Change is Good

When I began this blog, I had no expectation that I would still be posting two years later. It started as a way for me to digitally archive things of interest and to get down thoughts I felt worthy of recording. In the "real world", I would have written and glued things in a journal. At the time I was taking History of the English Language so phonetic spelling interested me; punching up "journal" with graphics made it more appealing.

The blog has evolved, but not strayed from "the collection of a generalist." I remain a generalist and this blog is still a repository for stuffs that cross my path. I have however lost my connection with phonemes so it seems time for a shift.

Notice. Announcement. Information or intelligence. To take notice of. To mark. To comment on. To review. Notice boards. The word is derived from Latin words meaning "known" and "awareness". On the prairies (and elsewhere I'm sure), a friendly way to greet someone is "What do you know?" Basically, I'm archiving what I know and I want to share it with you.

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