Sunday, December 23

Martin McDonagh's "Coming Out"

Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes star in what looks to be an absolute riot of a movie.  I adore hitman comedies (the inclusive "hitperson" just does not sound tough, I've got to say - perhaps I'll use "assassin" or "hired gun" in the future).

Friday, December 7

Dead or Alive?

Because our household has long debated the merits of fake versus real Christmas trees, I thought I'd give the floor to a professional - the David Suzuki Foundation:

To tree or not to tree

Some of you may be wondering about what to do this holiday to honour tradition and protect the climate. We want to make it easy for you to do both. So what’s better – a live tree or a fake one? Here are our suggestions, listed from least to best option.

COMING IN LAST…Artificial trees are made from plastic, which is made from oil, and many are made in China. In fact, Christmas decorations are one of the biggest categories of China’s exports to North America, and that means shipping them here, burning more fuel and putting more CO2 into the atmosphere which leads to global warming.

A BETTER OPTION…Real Christmas trees are cultivated expressly for that purpose. (It takes between 10 and 12 years to produce something larger than Charlie Brown’s droopy twig.) Trees absorb carbon, produce oxygen and provide habitat for birds and animals. Douglas fir, balsam fir and black spruce are all native species. If you live in the west, avoid Norway spruce, which is an exotic import. But it’s at home in the eastern part of the continent. You can identify the Norway spruce by its soft needles.

AND THE WINNER… Planting a live native tree is a great way to help create biodiversity in your own backyard. If it’s already pretty crowded back there, you might be wondering about bringing a living tree inside, then back outside in January. It is possible, but Firs and pines need cold. Moving them from cold to warm or vice versa too quickly won’t make them happy.

Thursday, November 29

I love hippo ears

I suggest you mute the video because the score is ridiculously melodramatic, but this is seriously to die for adorable. Just something to make us all happy.

Sunday, November 18

Pomegranate Avocado Salsa

What a unique and tasty treat SimplyRecipes! I just tossed together some kiwi, pomegranate, avocado, salt and cilantro and voila!

Thursday, November 8

Tis the Season for Ethical Gift Giving


Heads up people! One Laptop Per Child is beginning their Give 1 Get 1 campaign in only four days!

This organization reaches out to less developed countries with the idea of providing "tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating [to] enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities." The tool they have designed to support their idea is a rugged, energy efficient, super affordable laptop.

Though the $200 laptop is always available for donation, for a short time starting November 12, North American consumers can purchase two XO laptops for $399: "one that will be sent to empower a child to learn in a developing nation, and one that will be sent to your child at home." Though my child is still on her way into this world, I do have a computer geek husband who would love to play with this technology until our little one is old enough to appreciate it herself. Won't it will make a fun and feel-good Christmas gift?!

It's an education project, not a laptop project.” - Nicholas Negroponte, Founder

Tuesday, November 6

Harira Soup Recipe

This soup (adapted from is hearty without being heavy. As I enter my third trimester, I am desperately seeking foods rich in iron, folate and protein - ta da! And I get the added bonus of lots of fibre!


* 1 package ground lamb or turkey
* 1 tsp ground turmeric
* 1 1/2 tsps ground black pepper
* 1 tsp ground cinnamon
* 1/4 tsp ground ginger
* 1 pinch ground cayenne pepper
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 1 red onion, chopped
* 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
* 1 (796ml) can diced tomatoes
* 7 cups water
* 1 (540ml) can lentils, drained
* 1 (540ml) can garbanzo beans, drained
* 4 handfuls dried whole grain pasta

1. Place the meat, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, butter, celery, onion, and cilantro into a large soup pot over a low heat. Stir frequently for 5 minutes. Pour tomatoes (reserve juice) into the mixture and let simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Pour tomato juice, 7 cups water, and the lentils into the pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer. Let soup simmer, covered, for 1.5 hours.
3. About 10 minutes before serving turn the heat to medium-high, place chickpeas and noodles into the soup, let cook about 10 minutes (until noodles are al dente).

Saturday, November 3

"You do it to yourself...and that's why it really hurts"

For years I had stomach problems. I dealt with heartburn and acid reflux on a daily basis. At times the pain was so intense, I felt like I was having a heart attack. Then one day, I read that losing weight around the middle would drastically improve gastrointestinal difficulties. I started to replace my sweet pastries with fruits, drink more water and less cola, get 7 hours of sleep instead of drinking 3 cups of coffee, eat reasonably sized meals rather than feasts. I started to expect more of my body; pushed it to become stronger and faster. And one day, the pain stopped. I felt amazing. I didn't need Pepcid or Zantac or Tums or Rolaids or Pepto-Bismol anymore! I was free! So now I only suffer when I do it to myself...and that's why it really hurts.

The commercial above called to mind this excerpt from Bill Maher. As he says, and as I experienced, "diet and exercise don't ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you".

Thursday, November 1

Slow Foto

I titled this post "Slow Foto" because as I look through the work of photographer Chema Madoz, I find myself moving at a different pace. His photography calls for a lingering gaze. Things are not what they seem. Everyday objects are manipulated or grouped in unexpected ways. I think it would do me good to have his book next to my bedside so that I might start each day with a Madoz meditation. These pieces are wonderful reminders to slow down and to open our eyes.

Wednesday, October 31

Happy Halloween

from left to right: Sarah's Pumpkin Pi, Christopher's Jason, Caitlin's Jack

Providing Sustenance with Words

Through internet advertising Free Rice is accomplishing two things:

1. Providing English vocabulary to everyone for free.
2. Helping end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

So, have a go and test/strengthen your vocabulary (as a lover of words, I find this game incredibly addictive). They give you a measurement of your vocabulary level - there are 50 levels but it is rare to get above 48 - up for the challenge?! Does cockloft mean "womb", "garret", "need", or "relief"?

For every correct answer, the sponsors donate 10 grains of rice. They even provide a lovely graphic so you can watch as your bowl fills up with rice - how satisfying. Fill a bowl everyday and you will undoubtedly speak with flare!

"The rice is distributed by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). The World Food Program is the world’s largest food aid agency, working with over 1,000 other organizations in over 75 countries. In addition to providing food, the World Food Program helps hungry people to become self-reliant so that they escape hunger for good. Wherever possible, the World Food Program buys food locally to support local farmers and the local economy."

Saturday, October 27

Snack Sack Snack Sack Snack Sack

Yes. I do love to say "Snack Sack", but I also love that this product offers an alternative way of carrying around my emergency almonds/chocolates/raisins/etc!

Using Ziploc bags for snacks is unappealing because their lifespan is so short and because there are so many health questions surrounding soft plastics. No, I am not a very small child who sucks on sandwich bags for more than 3 hours a day (re: Health Canada Advisory), and no I'm not boiling Denvers in my freezer bags (re: Ziploc omelets may be toxic). Still, it doesn't seem that plastics and food play well together, so I'll try to minimize their interaction I think.

What I have been using are those tupperware-like storage containers. They can be reused and they are made of a more rigid plastic, which makes the leaching of harmful chemicals less likely. They make a good middle-of-the-road system because they last longer than Ziplocs and they're as easy to get access to.

Then I found Snack Sack - made from cloth and stainless steel. The materials are safe for my food and the steel is up for much more wear and tear than the old Tupperware would have been. Obviously this does not compete with the convenience of plastics (readily available in all grocery stores), nor does it compete in the category of "wet food" storage, but as a container for trail mix when I hike, or goldfish crackers once my little one arrives, it definitely is the healthier choice. Now I'd love to see a more adult version of the Snack Sack (a sexier fabric maybe) and I'd love to see different sizes as well (small, medium, and large).

Friday, October 26

I Heart Andy Samberg

In the line of digital shorts from SNL ("The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Dick in a Box"), "I Ran" has reached a new level of quality. Explosively amusing lyrics ("I remember when it started/saw you on the news/you were hatin gays/I was eatin food") AND heavenly vocals from Adam Levine - makes my day. Hope it makes yours.

Can't find ANY links - please comment if you know where one is!!

Thursday, October 25

Shrimp and Avocado Tortillas

(Modified from The Joy of Cooking)

This is a delicious and easy weeknight dinner idea. It tastes fresh and light and it's full of nutrients.

Whisk together in a large bowl:
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsps lime juice
2 tbsps minced cilantro
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
salt to taste

Shrimp (I used half a bag of frozen cooked shrimp)
1 cup black beans
1 cup grated Monterey Jack
1 ripe avocado, coarsely chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
salt to taste

Spoon the mixture onto small flour tortillas (place them between 2 damp cloths and warm them in the microwave for 30s so they don't tear) and top with shredded lettuce. Roll into wraps and serve.

Thursday, October 18

Monday, October 15

Pumpkin Sage Cream Sauce

Try this super easy and delicious cream sauce on cheese tortellini with some lightly sauteed zucchini and yellow pepper - you'll thank me.

1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup pumpkin purée
1/4 cup fresh-grated Parmesan
16 (about 1 tablespoon) fresh sage leaves,
sliced into thin strips
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp fresh-ground pepper
1 tbsp unsalted butter

Combine the cream, pumpkin purée, Parmesan, sage, salt, and pepper in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Simmer the mixture until slightly thickened -- 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Toss with cooked pasta and serve immediately.

Sunday, October 7

Pumpkin pie, tryptophan and gratitude.

I'll drink to that. Happy turkey day to all.

Saturday, October 6

Ritual and Tea

I want to believe that I'm a semi-environmentally responsible individual. I'm aware of my impact on the earth and its inhabitants, and I do my darndest to avoid negative contributions. You know. Walk instead of drive, take cloth bags to the grocery store, buy local food, use vinegar instead of Windex ... all that jazz. There are of course things that I do not sacrifice. Hiking fills my entire being with joy, but I live in the city so I drive to the trails. Avocados melt in my mouth, but they don't grow in this country so I buy the ones trucked up from Mexico. Travel to other lands enriches my existence, but flying leaves a ridiculously large footprint so I buy offsets and make sure to relish every moment.

I am however willing to change.

Natural Resources Canada indicates that the electric kettle is the most efficient water heater; the heating element is in direct contact with the substance it's heating, and once the water has reached its boiling point, the kettle will stop expending energy. Logical, but for years I have resisted conversion from my little Ikea cooktop kettle. Why? Stubborn, yes, but I'm also obsessed with the ritual surrounding tea. The heat of the electric range is my modern day fire. I feel connected to the elements as I wait for the delicious whistle of the kettle as it reaches climax.

That was before I met Bernard (Bernie for short).

Bernard is a sexy 1.8L electric kettle from Breville. He wears a coat of brushed stainless steel. He sits on a simple stand that connects to the wall with a super clever plug ("designed with a built-in finger hole for safe and effortless removal from the outlet"). His lid opens with grace and his water level indicator glows a sexy neon blue. When Bernard has finished for the night (2-3 minutes compared with the 10-15 of the cooktop), his little bell utters a refined ding and he shuts himself down. Truly, my tea has never tasted so good and I don't suffer at all from the seriously improved efficiency. Yes Caitlin, welcome to the 21st century.

Monday, September 24

"Healthy" Cookie Recipe

I'm pregnant and looking for cookies that contain at least a FEW nutrients that I need. These are delicious (taste like the fabulous Folk Fest cookies sold at Tall Grass Prairie Bakery in Winnipeg, MB)!

Farmland Flax Cookies

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Makes 108 cookies.

325 ml or 1 1/3 cups butter
300 ml or 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
375 ml or 1 ½ cups lightly packed brown sugar
575 ml or 2 1/3 cups flax seed
3 large eggs
7 ml or 1 ½ tsp vanilla
825 ml or 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour
15 ml or 1 tbsp baking soda
750 ml or 3 cups oatmeal

In a bowl, cream butter and sugars; add flax seed. In another bowl, beat eggs and vanilla together. Combine with flax mixture.

Sift together the flour and soda. Mix in oatmeal and combine with other ingredients.

Form dough into 4 cm (1.5 inches) round logs. Place in freezer and chill.

Slice into 0.5 cm (1/4 inch) medallions. Place on baking sheet leaving about 5 cm (2 inches) between cookies. Bake 13 to 15 minutes. Remove from sheet and cool.

*Caitlin's Modifications: Substitute 1 cup flour with 1 cup whole wheat flour and add a whole bunch of miniature chocolate chips! (A cookie without chocolate is like a book without words).

Saturday, September 22

Kickin' My Vinyl Habit

Finally! A fabric shower curtain that doesn't require a vinyl liner!! Hemp is strong, durable and naturally resistant to bacteria & fungi; 95% of the world's ships' sails are made from hemp canvas. Water won't leak through because of the fabric's tight weave. Even better, it's made in Canada.

Friday, September 21

Many Devices = Many Cords

Cords are the bane of my existence. I look forward to the day when EVERYTHING is wireless (no matter how many damaging waves are flowing through my body)! Until then, there are clever ways to minimize the visual clutter that comes with technophilia. See Exhibit S (S for Super Cool) below.

Wednesday, September 19

Friendly cleaners

"Friendly" to both us and the earth. As I prepare to bring a child into my home, my desire to improve the health of that environment increases. Happily, these solutions also benefit my bank account - plain old baking soda and vinegar are significantly less expensive than Mr. Clean and Windex. There are many alternatives to the store-bought varieties of cleaners to be found at Cranberry Lane. I particularly like the Room Spray recipe, as most commercial sprays burn my wee nostrils with their intensity.

Fresh Air Room Spray
(Kills bacteria and eliminates unwanted odours)

50ml Distilled or filtered water
50ml *Ethanol or Vodka
20 drops essential oil (suggest a blend of clove, lavender, lemon, orange, oregano, pine and rosemary)

Instructions: makes 100ml
Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well before using.
*Ethanol is often sold as "Rubbing Alcohol"; do not use Isopropyl as it is derived from petroleum.

I like fur?

If I had to list a few of my favourite things, items that might make the top ten are gin and tonics, the colour brown, the house roll at Toshi Sushi, New York City, and my cat Feta. I don't think fur would make it into the top 50, so why am I suddenly getting weak in the knees over these fur blankets?

Then again, why wouldn't I?
The sensation of animal fur on human skin is primitive - both Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis clothed themselves in fur. And in general, I'm not against the killing of animals for efficient use by humans, though I don't love the idea of slaughtering another living thing solely for a luxurious coat. Of course, I don't insist the leather on my shoes comes from an animal whose muscle I have grilled for my dinner....hopefully one day (likely when we no longer have a choice).

In the meantime, Vancouver's
Ouno Design has made fur more appealing to the ethically conflicted like me. Their "recycled fur blankets and rugs are made entirely from high quality vintage fur and sheepskin coats." Upon finding a table of their throws at a local market, I could hardly suppress the urge to rub my face against their delicious softness. Justly, these fur throws start at $1400 CDN, so my indulging in their decadence will yet remain a dream.

My New Favourite Cookies

These are like a blend of my chocolate chip cookie recipe and my friend Jackie's monster cookie recipe - especially because I substitute half the chocolate chips for m&m's. Chewy and DEEEEEEELISH!! (I HIGHLY recommend that you don't bother unless you double the batch - they will fly off the sheets!)

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

4 servings 24 cookies 22 min 10 min prep
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla (or more)
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 (12 ounce) bag semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Cream butter and sugars together. Add peanut butter, egg, and vanilla. And mix well.
  3. In another bowl mix dry ingredients together and add to butter mixture.
  4. Add chips and mix well.
  5. Either drop onto pan or roll into small balls.
  6. Bake for about 10-12 minutes.
  7. Cool for 5 minutes on sheet.

Thursday, August 16


A mondegreen is the mishearing (usually accidental) of a phrase as a homophone or near-homophone in such a way that it acquires a new meaning. ( This is a good word for me to add to my vocabulary since I am a notoriously guilty of perpetrating said act. Please comment if you can recall any of my more famous mistakes.

Everyone knows the classic mondegreen, "There's a bathroom on the right", but here are some lesser known examples that I found online (warning: do not read on a full bladder):

Elton John:
Wrong lyric: Hold me closer, Tony Danza
Right lyric: Hold me closer, tiny dancer

The Ramones:
Wrong lyric: I want a piece of bacon
Right lyric: I want to be sedated

Steve Winwood:
Wrong lyric: Bake me a pie of love
Right lyric: Bring me a higher love

Eddie Money:
Wrong lyric: I've got two chickens with parrot eyes
Right lyric: I've got two tickets to paradise

Wrong lyric: Makin' carrot biscuits
Right lyric: Takin care of business

The Rolling Stones:
Wrong lyric: I'll never leave your pizza burnin
Right lyric: I'll never be your beast of burden

Four Tops:
Wrong lyric: Sugar fried honey butt
Right lyric: Sugar pie honey bunch

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles:
Wrong lyric: Stick your head in lotion
Right lyric: I second that emotion

Friday, August 10

becoming jane... deliciously heart-rending. There is a particular ballroom scene which contains a moment so intensely romantic, I could swear my heart was actually stilled (the leads are magnetic).

Do not expect a biography and you shall not be disappointed; 'tis a lovely story loosely based on Austen's novels and life. On the whole, it is not as masterfully built as the recent version of Pride and Prejudice, but I enjoyed it so thoroughly that I debated attending the next showing on the same day. I look forward to the DVD release so that I may watch it again and again and again...

Thursday, July 19

why didn't i think of that?

Paul Loebach's Mirror Mirror design is an elegant and efficient use of wood. With only one cut, Loebach produces two mirror frames from a single piece of material.

Simple and smart. Two of my favourite things.

promoting responsible plant ownership

Botanicalls is a brilliant project based in New York City. "When a plant on the Botanicalls network needs water, it can call a person and ask for exactly what it needs. When people phone the plants, the plants orient callers to their habits and characteristics."

I totally plan to sign up when they've incorporated (which they plan to do) email communication and light sensors!

Sunday, July 15

furniture that grows with us

Now that we are adding to the family and because we choose to live in a small space, the two of us are desperately seeking clever options for the products we buy. Furniture MUST be flexible if it is to avoid the landfill.

We've fallen for the Ikea Expedit bookshelf because it has the ability to stand both vertically or horizontally.

We've also become enamoured with the Stokke Tripp Trapp chair because it can be used from infancy through "teenhood".

There is a related article in the Georgia Straight that I found interesting.

i am vanilla

did you KNOW that you could make your own vanilla extract!?!?

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 4 months

What You Need:

  • vanilla bean
  • vodka
  • beans
  • glass jar or bottle
  • knife

Here's How:

  1. Split vanilla bean lengthwise with a sharp knife.
  2. Place in jar with 3/4 cup vodka.
  3. Be sure bean is completely covered with vodka.
  4. Seal tightly.
  5. Let stand in a cool, dark place for 4 to 6 months.
  6. Shake jar occasionally during the standing time.


  1. Extract will strengthen upon standing.
  2. Store, tightly-sealed, indefinitely in a cool, dark place.
  3. Place a few drops of vanilla extract on a cotton ball. Place in custard cup in back of refrigerator to diffuse odors.
(thank you

Friday, June 29

" instinct is to make vivacious films."

Danny Boyle has a special place in my heart; the way he tells stories appeals directly to the way I want to hear stories told.

Thursday, June 28

This post goes out to my mom...

"School's out for summer!
School's out forever!"

Happy Retirement Donna Spencer!!

Saturday, June 23

"Biomimicry: Nature as Model, Measure and Mentor"

"Following in the footsteps of famous biomimics like Leonardo DaVinci, Buckminster Fuller, the Wright Brothers, and George Mistral, today’s biomimics are exploring nature-inspired innovation as a path to more sustainable design."

To view a short list of Biomimicry projects around the world, see My personal favourite is the termite-inspired air conditioning system.

"[Termite] mounds are oriented to capture as much wind energy as possible, to ventilate the nest and achieve 'homeostasis' - an internal balance with little variation in temperature, humidity and air quality." (

"Architect Mick Pearce collaborated with engineers at Arup Associates to build a mid-rise building in Harare, Zimbabwe that has no air-conditioning, yet stays cool thanks to a termite-inspired ventilation system." (

"As a result, ventilation running costs for Eastgate are a tenth of those for a comparable air-conditioned building. It uses 35 percent less energy than the average consumption of six other conventional buildings in Harare, and the client has saved $3.5 million on a $36 million building due to the fact that no air-conditioning plant had to be imported. This is what makes Pearce say that his architecture is a “regionalized style that responds to the biosphere, to the ancient traditional stone architecture of Great Zimbabwe, and to local human resources." (

Sunday, June 17


my new favourite movie.
no, i haven't seen it yet.

Tuesday, June 5

What the World Eats

This photo essay on TIME's website is from the book "Hungry Planet" (photos by Peter Menzel). It amazes me. I've gone through it numerous times, focusing on different elements on each pass: soda, vegetables, cost, canned goods, grains, fish, processed foods, size of family, quantity of food, regional preferences... Food is a common denominator - we all need to eat - so it's interesting to connect with people from around the world at this basic level. How are we similar? How are we different?

Saturday, May 12

This is Susannah Grant.

She built a beautiful movie.
It's called Catch and Release.
I'm still smiling.

Wednesday, May 9

"500 years is a long time..."

gDiapers flushables go down the toilet and don't end up in a landfill. and they're super cute too!

"It takes up to 500 years for a disposable to biodegrade in a landfill."

"gDiapers are designed using the Cradle to Cradle design principles of Bill McDonough and his firm MBDC. That means everything that goes into one of our flushables gets re-absorbed back into the eco-system in a neutral or beneficial way. So you are turning waste into a resource."

Monday, April 30

local produce

Sometimes I am reminded that the internet is a magical thing.

For example, I want to know what local fruits and vegetables are currently in season as I kickstart my month of vegetarianism - da da da DAAAAAA! There it is, exACTLY what I need.

Tuesday, April 24

San Francisco's Civic Tower

525 Golden Gate is a 14-storey office project designed to consume 20% less energy than what is required by the California energy use code. I dig ambition!

Thursday, April 19

Plastic Bag Solution!!

I'm all for banning plastic bags (go Leaf Rapids, MB!), but I was stuck on what to do with my garbage if I only used cloth (grocery bags have been the containers for my kitchen refuse since I was a kid - weird. Am I emotionally attached to throwing my garbage in a Safeway bag??).

Then I found biodegradable kitchen waste can liners @ EcoSafe (a Canadian company). Although I'm a cheap bastard and my current method of garbage disposal is free, I feel like it's worth the $3.99 CAD/30 bags to kick my grocery bag dependence. I will not be ruled by plastic!

And now I can look terribly stylish when I carry my groceries home in edgy cloth bags!

Wednesday, April 18

Yam and Black Bean Burritos

This is my new favourite batch cook for weekday lunches! It's easy, filling, healthy and delicious. I like to serve it with a little avocado and salsa, but there is so much flavour that it's just fine on it's own. (This is the only Mexican-like food I have EVER seen Christopher eat without loads of sour cream and cheese!)

Adapted from Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites:
(Serves 4 to 6) :: Prep time 35 minutes :: Bake time 30 minutes

5 cups peeled cubed yams
4 tsp ground cumin
4 tsp ground coriander
4 1/2 cups cooked black beans (three 15 ounce cans drained)
2/3 cup lightly packed cilantro leaves
2 tbsps fresh lime juice
1 tsp salt
8 eight inch flour tortillas (I endorse Grimm's Flaxseed - yum!)

Preheat oven to 350.

Place yams in medium saucepan with salt and water. Cover and bring to a boil, then simmer until tender (about 10 minutes). Drain and mash. Add cumin and coriander. Set aside.

While yams are simmering, mash black beans (I like to leave them somewhat whole to add a bit of texture). Mix in cilantro, lime juice and salt. Combine yam and black bean mixtures.

Lightly oil large baking dish. Spoon about 2/3 to 3/4 cup of filling in the center of each tortilla, roll it up, and place it (seam down) in the baking dish. Cover tightly with foil and bake for about 30 minutes.


Sunday, April 15

from the ground

what did i do last sunday? procrastinate my schoolwork. this is what that looks like:

Friday, April 13

will ferrell's landlord


warning: is not responsible for injuries caused by the viewing of this video.

Thursday, April 12


I wonder if Gracie stayed awake through the fourth overtime.

Tuesday, April 10

Zero to Hero

Selling Sex in Heaven is an enraging and heartbreaking documentary.

  • Most girls in the sex trade in the Philippines have been trafficked from the poor, rural provinces and were tricked into coming to Angeles City with promises of jobs in factories and restaurants;
  • Once they lose their "cherries," usually through rape or abuse, they are condemned to live their lives servicing local or foreign men as prostitutes;
  • There are estimated to be 375,000 women and girls in the sex trade in the Philippines, mostly between the ages of 15 and 20, though some are as young as 11;
  • The price of a Philippine Adventure Tour for Americans can cost as little as $1645.00, including roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations, and guided tours to bars where men can buy sex for $20.00 US;
These "ambassadors" of North American culture disgrace us as they degrade foreign women. These sexist, racist men are a pathetic, disgusting minority of our society. I encourage all the decent men of this country (who are the majority) to shame these losers out of their deplorable behaviour.

Plastic isn't just bad for our landfills.

With constant media fear-mongering about global warming, the reality of humanity's precarious existence on this planet begins to hit home. The current trend seems to be the movement away from plastic grocery bags. People are very concerned about the plastic accumulating in our landfills...but what about the plastic accumulating in our bodies? Read this.

Monday, April 9

I was cheating on Chris,

but I ended it on Friday.

My affair was hurting our relationship and it was hurting me, but I couldn't make myself stop. I was so infatuated...he had so much power over me. He offered me everything - instant gratification. I turned him on constantly and he had the ability to keep me distracted for hours on end. It was so easy. I'm alone at home two days a week to get course work done, so we would spend all day together. For the last month, Chris was working late so we would be together all evening as well. I know it's sick - being with someone else, right there, in our own bedroom! I was wrecking myself with guilt, but I just couldn't say no.

That is, until Friday.

On Friday, we sold that damn Sony Trinitron, and I haven't been the same person since!

10 Financial Reasons to Turn Off Your TV)

Wednesday, April 4

Tuesday, April 3

"World Change Starts with Educated Children"

"In 1998, John was an overworked Microsoft executive looking for the quiet solitude of a trekking vacation. While backpacking in the Himalayas, John met a middle-aged Nepalese man who invited him to visit a school in a neighboring village. Hoping for a chance to see the real Nepal, rather than his tourist's trek, John agreed. Little did he know this short detour would change his life forever." (Read the rest of the story here.)

Let's help John change the world by donating today. "Every dollar donated equals one book donated and an opportunity to change the lives of some of the 770 million illiterate people in the world."

#1 Google for "Caitlin Spencer"

Google "Caitlin Spencer" and in the top search item you will find the homepage of the other Caitlin Spencer. Caitlin's Western Michigan University page is fairly spartan so I don't know much about her. I wish she would update her site because I have so many questions!

1. Did she learn everything she needed to know for the rest of her life?
2. Did she make top 5 in College Works Painting management?
3. Is she one of the blonds, the pink shirt or the dismembered head?

4. Did she get more "envolved in the years to come"?
5. Did she successfully complete her marketing major?
6. Did she and Ben continue to work well together?
7. Has she seen new things and explored new places - "esspecially" new countries?

Oh Caitlin. I wonder where you have gone.

"she runs guns everyone wants guns she runs guns everyone wants"

"...OOOoooEEEooo......Doo doo do do dodo"

Figure that since I've been out in Vancouver for 3 years consecutively, it's about time I get to know the local music scene.

I'm starting with Jeremy Fisher. After one listen through the album here's what I have to say. His voice has hints of Bob Dylan (with much more lyricism). The rhythms grab me like my favourite Paul Simon tunes. And heck, the dude writes genuine poetry!

"Smiling with determination
Her eyes betray worries to me
Okay, nothing ain't perfect
But perfect ain't nothing anyway"

this. is. gold.

Alanis Morissette parodies Fergie Ferg. The contrast between the rich vocals of this true songstress, and the cheap lyrics/moves of that mediocre coked-out entertainer makes for some gut-wrenching goodness. Enjoy.

Special thanks to Mike for sharing his find!

Monday, April 2

Lindor Stracciatella

Pure white chocolate divinity. A delectable sphere of hard white chocolate embedded with contrasting crunchy flecks surrounds unadulterated creamy white chocolatey goodness. It's limited edition so try one today!

Wednesday, March 28

for the ladies in the house...

Click on the image above to be taken to the life-transforming product that I cannot believe I have lived without for the last thirteen years!

If you already know - why didn't you tell me!? If you don't believe me - it doesn't hurt to try!!

"I can show you the world....shiiiiining shiiiimmering spleeeeendiiiiid........"

Pursuit of Happyness

A well-acted portrayal of the life of Chris Gardner. It was honest and lacking sensation - totally unHollywood.

The film would have been much more meaningful (ie. I would have cried) if they would STOP GIVING AWAY ALL THE MOST POIGNANT AND INTENSELY EMOTIONAL MOMENTS IN THE TRAILER! ( peeve)


To challenge my irrational fear of sharks (I grew up on the prairies with no salt water for hundreds of miles and I've never seen Jaws) I decided that I must watch Sharkwater. And it worked.

Yes the stats are affecting: 5 people each year die from shark attacks; 8 million die from starvation. In the end though, it was a single shot which silenced my compulsive hatred of these beautiful beasts: Rob Stewart stands on the ocean floor with his arms wrapped affectionately around a large blue shark. Incredible.

The film is about more than the behaviour and characteristics of this species. "People of the future will look back on us as barbarians." There is a mass annihilation of their populations taking place as we speak; shark finning is barbaric cruelty and my eyes were closed to it. If it hadn't been presented with such passionate empathy, I would have continued in my ignorance - "Sharks are vicious animals. Who cares if they're been killed off?"

It's so easy to fall in love with furry animals with faces like ours; be a rebel, hug a shark today!

*Should you watch it in the theatre? HECK yes! Why? 1. Rob Stewart is Canadian. 2. This documentary is more informative, eye-opening and affecting than The Inconvenient Truth!